Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Term 3 Week 5

Term 3 week 5

Monday :

The whole class students were told to stand up . Then, Mr Chua called out names . Whose names were called out were instructed to seat back down on our seats . Those whose names were not called out were made to stand . then, Mr Chua lectured them about submitting assignments on time .. After the lectured, Mr chua gave out a piece of assignments . the assignments were due on Monday next week and must be put inside the tray in class before Literature lesson starts .

Today Mr chua had not discussed about AYLT but he showed videos of the plays done by sec 2 during 2009 .The first play was about Venice of Merchant. The play was okay but i could hear the voices of the characters .The next play was Romeo & Juliet . The way they did the play was interesting , but i could hardly hear their voices . But the play was acceptable as they did not took the debating workshops like we did .

Mr Chua said that we were going to do a rehearsal soon .. I hope my group would co - operate with each other and come for meetings and practise ..

term 3 week 4

Term 3 week 4

we continued with the Literature lesson . Mr Tyrus asked questions again . Its like a routine of his. I was prepared to be called but i guess i was lucky because i wasn't called to answer his questions . All of Mr Tyrus quetions seems logic if you had not read the text but had understand what Mr Tyrus lesson you might be able to answer most of the question .

Thursday :

Mr Tyrus wasn't in . We had a relief teacher . We were told to do our own things . As usual , most of us talked to each other ..

Term 3 week 3

This a picture of Elvis when he was younger .

Term 3 week 3 :

Monday :

Mr Chua arrived on time for lesson as usual . about older Elvis . He continued the lesson about " Are you lonesome tonight ?" He went through the scene 1 of " Are you lonesome tonight . " Mr chua asked us afew Questions of the meaning of a few words in the text . Mr Chua asked this question which i thought it was really really hard : why do you think Redhead is called Redhead ?

what i thought Redhead is called Redhead maybe because of her hair is red, or maybe that Redhead is not an imporatant person to elvis so he don't even bother to remember her name, or maybe Redhead is described by her personality which is short tempered .

thursday :

We then studied about AYLT scence 2 . About younger Elvis Presley . but before that Mr Tyrus asked question about what will learnt so far . Example, what is Elvis's Brother's name ? etc ..We were given a worksheet on the scenes that we have gone through .

This is a picture of Elvis Presley when he was older ..

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Term 3 week 2

Term 3 week 2

There is no Literature lesson on Monday because of Youth Day .

We learn about Elvis Presly .we learn that he is popular . But died because of overdose of drugs. I read the text about " Are you lonesome tonight ." My conclusion of " Are you lonsome tonight " are as the followings : i think Elvis Presley took drugs because maybe because his career just took off and he had been pressurized by his friends or family. Another reason why he took drugs maybe because all of his family members left him, and he is al alone with nobody . The People that left him are the most closest to him, they are his mother, Gladys , his wife ,his daughter, Marie and his brother, Jesse.
We were told to write on a fodscap about what we know about him ..

Then Mr chua wanted to us a video of Elvis Presley but cannot because someone off the audio just for fun . Mr Chua was furious .. We ended the lesson like that .We had no time to watch the video as the bell had rung.

term 3 week 1

Term 3 week 1
Monday :

today's lesson was the first lesson of term 3 . I hope the lessons in this term is going to be interesting . Ms Malyana is not teaching us anymore so Mr chua took over over class for literature . Mr Chua told us that we are going to learn two new plays . they are " Are you lonesome tonight and etc . He told us to pay 25 cents to our class chair person for this term's literature text . He also told us about the end of year examinations citerias .

Mr Chua introduced us to two plays . Which is " Romeo & Juliet " and " Merchant of venice "
We were then split into 4 groups . The groups are " team Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. " i was in Team Alpha . The people in my team are Afrina, Izyanti, Syafiq, Regine, Pei Qi, Pei Qing, Soo Wei Sheng, Er Weisheng, Daryl . The homework for today was to do a research about the people who work in a theatrical production .

Thursday :

We were to assemble at the Aces gallery to confirm our role in our play . We chose to do a paly about " The Merchant of Venice " . the roles are :

Director : Syafiq
Actor 1: Iztanti
Actor 2:Amy
Actor 3:Er Wei sheng
Actor 4:Soo Wei sheng
Wardrobe 1 :Pei Qi
Wardrobe 2:Regine
Wardrobe 3:Daryl
Set Deco 1 :Afrina
Set Deco 2 :pei Qing
Set Deco 3 :